
Seminars, Events, Short Courses, and Shows:

*presenting author  


March 28, 2023: Professor Dutcher presented “Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams with Microscale Flows”, The Materials Science and Visual Arts of Bubbles, Droplets, Membranes and Interfaces Workshop, Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zürich (invited talk). 
March 13, 2023: Professor Dutcher presented “Surface tension, phase separation, and ice nucleation of sea spray aerosols, using statistical thermodynamic models and microfluidic flows”, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science IAC Colloquia, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland (invited talk).

February 23, 2023: Professor Dutcher presented “Soft Interfaces with Microfluidics: Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams”, Processing and Performance Group Seminar, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands (invited talk).

February 20, 2023: Professor Dutcher presented “Soft Interfaces with Microfluidics: Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams”, Soft Matter, Rheology and Technology (SMaRT) Group Seminar, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (invited talk).
February 17, 2023: Professor Dutcher presented “Soft Interfaces with Microfluidics: Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams”, Laboratory of Solid-State Physics (LPS) seminar, University of Saclay-Paris, Paris, France (invited talk). (LPS Seminar Abstract)
February 14, 2023: Professor Dutcher presented “Soft Interfaces with Microfluidics: Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams”, PMMH and SIMM joint seminar, ESPCI, Paris, France, (invited talk). (PMMH/SIMM Seminar Abstract)


November 30, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Surfactant Transport and Film Stability at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces”, for Development Efforts Towards PFAS-Free Alternatives to AFFF (Tech Session 1B-WP), SERDP & ESTCP and OE-Innovation Symposium, Arlington, Virginia (invited talk).
November 9, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Soft Interfaces with Microfluidics: Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams”, Institute of Fluid Dynamics Colloquium (Kolloquium Thermo- und Fluiddynamik, KTF), ETH Zürich (invited talk).
November 2, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Foams and emulsions: Deforming bubbles and coalescing droplets with microscale flows”, Materials Colloquium, ETH Zürich (invited talk).
October 20, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Microfluidics platforms for studying surfactant-rich interfaces and polymer solutions”, Swiss Soft Days, ETH Zürich (invited talk). (2022 Swiss Soft Days Program Book)
July 12, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Atmospheric Aerosol Particle Liquid Phase Transitions and Ice Nucleation using Microfluidics”, Geochemical and Environmental Systems Session, ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium (invited talk). (ACS CSSS 2022 Abstract Book)
May 18, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Aerosol particle liquid phase transitions and ice nucleation using microfluidics” 5th Molecular Level Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols (MUOAA), Lake Arrowhead, CA (invited talk).
April 8, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Thermodynamics and Phase Transitions of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles using Microfluidics”, Chemistry Department Seminar, College of William and Mary (invited talk, virtual).
March 23, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Impact of interfacial mobility, Marangoni flows, and confinement ratio on the micro-scale droplet film drainage time” Microfluidics and the Confined Mineral-Water Interface Session, ACS Spring Annual Meeting (invited talk, virtual). (2022 ACS Abstract Dutcher)
April 26, 2022: Chatzigiannakis, E.*, Chen, Y., Bachnak, R., Dutcher, C.S., Vermant, J., Studying droplet coalescence at different length-scales: from films to droplets, Annual European Rheology Conference.  (2022 ERC Program)
March 4, 2022: Professor Dutcher presented “Microfluidic Platforms for Studying Surfactant-laden Interfaces and Polymer Solutions”, Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Department Seminar, Syracuse University (invited talk).


November 29, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented "Overview of Understanding Shipboard Oil/Water Emulsions Using Macro- and Micro-scale Flows (WP18-1031): WP SERDP 2021 Project of the Year" SERDP/ESTCP 2021 Virtual Symposium. (invited, virtual)

November 23, 2021: Vishal Panwar* and Cari S Dutcher, Mixing dynamics of bilgewater emulsions in Taylor Couette flows (oral presentation, in-person), 74th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, Arizona (2021 Panwar APS DFD abstract)

November 23, 2021: Chinmayee Panigrahi*, Rana Bachnak, Cari Dutcher. Coalescence of trapped droplets using a microfluidic device (oral presentation, in-person), 74th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, Arizona (2021 Panigrahi APS DFD abstract)

November 21-23, 2021: Yun Chen*, Cari Dutcher, The impact of viscous stress and Marangoni stress on the micro-scale droplet coalescence (oral presentation, in-person), 74th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, Arizona (2021 Chen APS DFD abstract)

November 23, 2021: Iaroslav Makhnenko*, Long Nguyen, Elizabeth R Alonzi, Steven A Fredericks, Christine M Colby, and Cari S Dutcher, Liquid sheet breakup and droplet evolution in agricultural sprays (oral presentation, in person), 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, Arizona (2021 Makhnenko APS DFD abstract)

November 23, 2021: Rana B Bachnak*, Shweta Narayan, Davis B Moravec, Brad G Hauser, Andrew J Dallas, and Cari S Dutcher, The role of surfactants in stabilizing liquid-liquid interfaces: their effect on interfacial tension and film drainage times (oral presentation, in-person), 74th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, Arizona (2021 Bachnak APS DFD abstract)

November 2, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented "Dutcher Lab: Microfluidics as a platform for aerosol droplet studies: Part 2" as a part of the Hygroscopicity Subgroup research updates at the All-CAICE Meeting (virtual)

October 20, 2021: Margaret L. House*, Iaroslav Makhnenko, Priyatanu Roy, Cari S. Dutcher. Microfluidic Methods for the Study of Multi-Phase Systems (oral presentation, virtual), AAAR 39th Annual Conference. (2021 AAAR abstracts)

October 20, 2021: Iaroslav Makhnenko*, Long Nguyen, Elizabeth R Alonzi, Steven A Fredericks, Christine M Colby, and Cari S Dutcher, Liquid sheet breakup and droplet evolution in agricultural sprays (oral presentation, virtual), AAAR 39th Annual Conference. (2021 AAAR abstracts)

October 13, 2021: Rana B. Bachnak*, Davis B. Moravec, Brad G. Hauser, Dallas J. Andrew, and Cari S. Dutcher, Interfacial tensions and film drainage times with surfactant stabilized emulsions: Towards improved liquid-liquid separation (oral presentation, in-person), 92nd Annual Meeting of Society of Rheology, Bangor, Maine (2021 Bachnak SOR abstract)

October 13, 2021: Chinmayee Panigrahi*, Rana Bachnak, Cari Dutcher. Coalescence of Passively Trapped Droplets in a Microfluidic Device with and without Confinement (oral poster presentation, in-person), 92nd Annual Meeting of Society of Rheology, Bangor, Maine

October 10-14, 2021: Yun Chen*, Cari Dutcher, The impact of viscous stress and Marangoni stress on the micro-scale droplet film drainage time, 92nd Annual Meeting of Society of Rheology, Bangor, Maine (2021 Chen SOR abstract

October 11, 2021: Vishal Panwar* and Cari S Dutcher, Mixing dynamics of bilgewater emulsions in Taylor Couette flows (oral presentation, in-person), 92nd Annual Meeting of Society of Rheology, Bangor, Maine (2021 Panwar SOR abstract)

October 11, 2021: Iaroslav Makhnenko*, Long Nguyen, Elizabeth R Alonzi, Steven A Fredericks, Christine M Colby, and Cari S Dutcher, Liquid sheet breakup and droplet evolution in agricultural sprays (oral presentation, in person), 92nd Annual Meeting of Society of Rheology, Bangor, Maine

September 27, 2021: Nikhil Sethia*, Li Zhan, Joseph S. Rao, Zonghu Han, Erik B. Finger, John C. Bischof, Cari S. Dutcher, Measuring osmotic characteristics of islets using microfluidics (poster, in-person), Institute for Engineering in Medicine (IEM) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2021 IEM posters)

September 16, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented a seminar on "Droplet Microfluidics for Studying Surfactant-Laden Droplets and Interfaces" at 3M (virtual, invited). 

September 7, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented "Dutcher Lab: Microfluidics as a platform for aerosol droplet studies: Part 1" as a part of the Ice Nucleation Subgroup research updates at the All-CAICE Meeting (virtual)

August 24, 2021: Dutcher, C.S. presented "Fundamentals of Surfactant Transport in Emulsions and Firefighting Foams" at the SERDP/ESTCP AFFF Project Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (in-person, invited)

August 4, 2021: Yun Chen*, Cari Dutcher, The impact of viscous stress and Marangoni stress on the micro-scale droplet coalescence (presentation, virtual), IPRIME Coating Process Fundamentals (CPF) Program Review, University of Minnesota (2021 CPF Program Review)

August 4, 2021: Iaroslav Makhnenko*, Elizabeth R Alonzi, Steven A Fredericks, Christine M Colby, and Cari S Dutcher, Liquid sheet breakup and droplet evolution in agricultural sprays (presentation, virtual), IPRIME Coating Process Fundamentals (CPF) Program Review, University of Minnesota (2021 CPF Program Review)

August 4, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented "Dynamics at surfactant-laden thin liquid films and interfaces" at the IPRIME Nanostructural Materials and Processes (NMP) Program Review, University of Minnesota (2021 NMP Program Review)(invited, virtual)

June 29, 2021: Priyatanu Roy, Microfluidic Studies of Temperature Dependent Phase Transitions in Aerosol Droplets. PhD thesis defense, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (PhD Thesis)

June 16, 2021: Rana Bachnak*, Davis Moravec, Brad Hauser, Dallas Andrew, and Cari Dutcher, Interfacial tensions and film drainage times with surfactant stabilized emulsions: Towards improved liquid-liquid separation (oral presentation, virtual), 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium (ACS CSSS abstracts)

June 16, 2021: Nikhil Sethia*, Li Zhan, Joseph S. Rao, Zonghu Han, Erik B. Finger, John C. Bischof, Cari S. Dutcher, Microfluidics for high throughput sorting and preservation of pancreatic islets (oral presentation, virtual), 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium (ACS CSSS abstracts)

June 15, 2021: Iaroslav Makhnenko*, Elizabeth R Alonzi, Steven A Fredericks, Christine M Colby, and Cari S Dutcher, Liquid sheet breakup and droplet evolution in agricultural sprays (oral presentation, virtual), 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium (ACS CSSS abstracts)

June 14-16 2021: Vishal Panwar* and Cari S Dutcher, Mixing dynamics of bilgewater emulsions in Taylor Couette flows (oral presentation, virtual), 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium (ACS CSSS abstracts)

June 14-16, 2021: Yun Chen*, Cari Dutcher, The impact of viscous stress and surfactant concentration on the micro-scale droplet coalescence (oral presentation, virtual), 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium (ACS CSSS abstracts)

June 14, 2021: Shihao Liu*, and Cari S Dutcher, Surface Tension of Micro- and Milli-meter Bubbles in Surfactant-Laden Aqueous Solutions (oral presentation, virtual), 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium (ACS CSSS abstracts)

April 19, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented “Aerosol measurements with microfluidic platforms” Chemical, Biomolecular, and Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) (invited, virtual) (Dutcher abstract)

April 19, 2021: Rana Bachnak*, Davis Moravec, Brad Hauser, Dallas Andrew, and Cari Dutcher, Interfacial tensions and film drainage times with surfactant stabilized water in oil emulsions: Towards improved liquid-liquid separation (Poster presentation, virtual), FiltCon 2021 (2021 Bachnak FiltCon abstract)

April 12, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented “Aerosol measurements with microfluidic platforms” Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) Seminar Series, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (invited, virtual)

April 12, 2021: Nikhil Sethia*, Li Zhan, Joseph S. Rao, Zonghu Han, Erik B. Finger, John C. Bischof, Cari S. Dutcher, Measuring osmotic characteristics of islets using microfluidics (oral presentation, virtual), Institute for Engineering in Medicine (IEM) BioSciTech Symposium (BioSciTech abstracts)

March 18, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented “Polyelectrolyte solutions in complex macro- and micro-scale flows” Dynamics and Rheology of Polymers and Polyelectrolytes Session, APS March Meeting (invited, virtual) (2021 Dutcher APS abstract)

Feb 24, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented “Droplet microfluidics for studying surfactant-rich interfaces found in aerosols, emulsions and foams” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Complex Fluids Seminar Series (invited, virtual).  Watch the talk here

January 12, 2021: Yun Chen*, Shweta Narayan, Cari Dutcher, Phase dependent surfactant transport and micro-scale droplet coalescence in liquid-liquid systems (Poster, virtual), IPRIME Mid-year Virtual Workshop​​​​​, organized by the IPRIME Coating Process Fundamentals Program​​, University of Minnesota (2021 IPRIME mid-year workshop)

January 12, 2021: Iaroslav Makhnenko* Elizabeth R Alonzi, Steven A Fredericks, Christine M Colby, and Cari Dutcher, Liquid sheet breakup: Perspectives from agricultural sprays (Poster, virtual), IPRIME Mid-year Virtual Workshop​​​​​, organized by the IPRIME Coating Process Fundamentals Program​​, University of Minnesota (2021 IPRIME mid-year workshop)

January 12, 2021: Professor Dutcher presented "Microfluidics for Studying Aerosols, Emulsions, and Foams" at the IPRIME Mid-year Virtual Workshop​​​​​, organized by the IPRIME Coating Process Fundamentals Program​​ (invited, virtual), University of Minnesota (invited, virtual)


(there were so many great presentations were given by the stellar members of the Dutcher lab in 2020, but it was also a really crazy year, and it turns out I was never able to get around to updating the website.  Maybe I will one day - but until that day, here's a brief summary:  Dr. Shweta Narayan and Dr. Athena Metaxas beautifully defended their theses and graduated with their PhDs; Shihao Liu and Priyatanu Roy presented at virtual AAAR; Yun Chen and Priyatanu Roy presented at virtual APS-DFD; Maggie House and Priyatanu Roy presented at virtual CAICE meetings; Iaroslav Makhnenko, Priyatanu Roy, and Yun Chen presented at virtual IPRIME meetings and workshops; and Cari Dutcher gave invited talks at SERDP AFFF Alternatives Workshop, Aerosol Science CDT at the University of Bristol - virtual, SERDP webinar series - watch it here, Winfield United Tech Talk - virtual, and SERDP/ESTCP Symposium - virtual. Nice job to all!)


Dec 3, 2019: Professor Dutcher will be giving an invited lecture Understanding Shipboard Oil/Water Emulsions Using Macro- and Micro-scale Flows for the Advancing Emulsion Science Session, SERDP/ESTCP Symposium, Washington DC. SERDP/ESTCP Symposium 2019

Nov 26, 2019: Shihao Liu presented Surface Tension Measurements for Atmospheric Aerosols Using Bubble Deformation Dynamics in Multilayer Microfluidic Channel at the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS – DFD) 72nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 2019. 2019 APS DFD Microfluidic Bubble Tensiometer

Nov 25, 2019: Vishal Panwar presented Co- and Counter-rotating Taylor-Couette Flows with Polyelectrolyte Solutions at the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS – DFD) 72nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 2019. 2019 APS DFD Taylor-Couette Flows

Nov 25, 2019: Shweta Narayan presented Droplet coalescence using a microfluidic hydrodynamic trap at the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS – DFD) 72nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 2019. 2019 APS DFD Microfluidic Droplet Coalescence

Nov 25, 2019: Priyatanu Roy presented Microfluidic Study of Temperature Dependent Phase Changes in Aqueous Aerosol Systems at the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS – DFD) 72nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 2019. 2019 APS DFD Microfluidic Droplet Freezing

Nov 25, 2019: Dr. Yun Chen presented Size dependent droplet interfacial tension and surfactant transport in oily bilgewater systems at the American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS – DFD) 72nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 2019. 2019 APS DFD Surfactant Transport

Nov 13, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Micro-Extensional Flow Behavior of Aqueous, Fibrillar Methylcellulose Solutions at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. 2019 AIChE MC Extensional Rheology

Nov 13, 2019: Graduate student Shweta Narayan presented Probing Droplet Shape Relaxation and Its Dependence on Viscosity Using a Microfluidic Hydrodynamic Trap at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. 2019 AIChE Droplet Viscosity

Nov 12, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Taylor-Couette Flow Behavior with Polyelectrolyte Solutions at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. 2019 AIChE TC Polyelectrolytes

Nov 11, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented a poster on Extensional Rheology of Aqueous Polymer Solutions in Filament Thinning and Microfluidic Contraction Flows at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. 2019 AIChE Extensional Rheology Poster

Oct 23, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented Droplet shape relaxation in confined microfluidic flows for probing the properties of liquid-liquid emulsions at the Society of Rheology (SOR) 91st Annual Meeting in Raleigh, NC. 2019 SOR Annual Meeting

Oct 22, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas wpresented Microfluidic filament thinning of aqueous fibrillar methylcellulose solutions at the Society of Rheology (SOR) 91st Annual Meeting in Raleigh, NC. 2019 SOR Annual Meeting

Oct 18, 2019: Collaborator Dr. Bryan Bzdek presented Surface Tensions of Picoliter Droplets with Sub-Millisecond Surface Age at the 37th American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 2019 AAAR Bzdek Abstract

Oct 17, 2019: Graduate student Shihao Liu presented Phase Behavior and Surface Tension of Sea Spray Aerosol Droplets using Microfluidics at the 37th American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 2019 AAAR Liu Abstract

Oct 15, 2019: Graduate student Priyatanu Roy presented Temperature Dependent Phase Study of Aerosols Using Droplet Microfluidics at the 37th American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 2019 AAAR Roy Abstract

Oct 15, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented a short course tutorial on Aerosol Measurements with Microfluidics at the 37th American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 2019 AAAR Tutorials

August 26, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented an invited talk on Thermodynamics and phase of sea spray aerosol droplets using microfluidics for the Surfaces & Interfaces in the Environment: Symposium in Honor of Vicki Grassian at the ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting in San Diego, CA. 2019 ACS Dutcher Abstract

August 19-21, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented Measurements of Relative Humidity (RH) Effects on Atmosphere PM2.5 lecture at the Aerosol and Particle Measurements Short Course, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

August 8, 2019: Professor Dutcher participated on a faculty panel on Navigating the Academic Job Market at the ME Connect Career Development Workshop

August 6-7, 2019: Summer RUE student Ruth Olson presented at talk on Ionic strength and polymer charge effects on flocculation performance in Taylor-Couette flow at the 2019 MRSEC REU Presentations, and a poster on the same topic at the MRSEC Summer Undergraduate Research Expo (SURE).

July 28-Aug 2, 2019: Professor Dutcher attended the Atmospheric Chemistry Gordon Research Conference, and presented a poster on Microfluidic Platforms for Aerosol Measurements: Surfaces and Phase in Newry, ME. 2019 Atmos Chem GRC

July 23, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented an invited seminar Understanding Shipboard Oil/Water Emulsions Using Macro- and Micro-scale Flows at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Chemistry Division, in Washington DC. NRL Chemistry Division

July 9, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas demonstrated slip casting of ceramic stoneware bunnies for high school students at the ASM Materials Camp sponsored by the Minnesota chapter of ASM International. ASM Materials Camp

June 19, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on Droplet microfluidics for studying surfactant-rich interfaces: From atmospheric aerosols to bilgewater emulsions for the ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium, Atlanta, GA. 2019 Colloids

June 14, 2019: Postdoctoral scholar Dr. Yun Chen presented a poster on Size dependent droplet interfacial tension and surfactant transport in liquid-liquid system at the Mathematical Fluids, Materials, and Biology Conference at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 2018 Mathematical Fluids

June 3, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on Lattice-based adsorption isotherms for solute activities and surface tensions of complex aqueous electrolyte solutions for the 2019 Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 2019 MTSM

May 30, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented Characterization of Droplets and Polymer Solutions in Extensional Flows at the IPrime Coating Process Fundamentals Program Review, Minneapolis, MN. 2019 IPrime Program Book

May 28-29, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented a poster on Polymer Solutions in Complex Flows: Fibrils, Filaments, and Flocs at the Coating Process Fundamentals Program and the IPRIME Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

May 18-25, 2019: Professor Dutcher and postdoctoral scholars Benjamin Micklavzina and Yun Chen had a blast volunteering at the The Energy and U Show! Shows at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Energy and U

May 4, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas hosted a demonstration booth ("Jabba the Hutt Snot") with other volunteers from CEMS for the Science Museum of Minnesota, where children were able to make their own hydrogels ("snot"). MN Science Museum

April 26, 2019: Graduate student Athena Metaxas hosted a demonstration booth ("Silly Putty") for the Willow Lane Elementary Family Exploration Night, in White Bear Lake, MN, where elementary age students made their own putties.

April 25, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on Thermodynamics of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles using Models, Mimics, and Microfluidics for the Chemistry Department Physical Chemistry Seminar Program, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Chemistry Penn State Seminar

March 18, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows: Models and Measurements at Complex Interfaces for the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. ChBE Georgia Tech

Feb 28, 2019: Postdoctoral scholar Dr. Benjamin Micklavzina presented Extensional Rheology of Methylcellulose Solutions in the Presence of Added Salts using Microfluidic Flows at the UMN MRSEC IRG 3 lunch seminar series, Minneapolis, MN. UMN MRSEC

Jan 17, 2019: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on Thermodynamics of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles using Models, Mimics, and Microfluidics for the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. EAS Georgia Tech Seminar


Nov 28, 2018: Postdoctoral scholar Dr. Yun Chen presented a poster on Understanding Shipboard Oil/Water Emulsions Using Macro- and Micro-scale Flows at the SERDP & ESTCP Symposium, Washington, District of Columbia, USA. 2018 SERDP Symposium

Nov 20, 2018: Graduate student Shweta Narayan presented Probing the interfacial rheology of complex emulsions using microfluidic droplet deformation dynamics at the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics 71st Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA Narayan APS DFD Abstract

Nov 18, 2018: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented In-situ polyelectrolyte-clay flocculation via radial polymer injection in Taylor-Couette flows at the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics 71st Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA Metaxas APS DFD Abstract

Nov 5, 2018: Graduate students Priyatanu Roy and Shihao Liu co-presented Modeling and microfluidic measurements of surface tension and phase behavior in aerosol systems at the Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (CAICE) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Oct 26, 2018: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Extensional Rheology of Methylcellulose Solutions Containing Fibrils at the UMN MRSEC IRG 3 lunch seminar series, Minneapolis, MN. UMN MRSEC

Oct 17, 2018: Graduate student Shweta Narayan presented Single droplet interfacial measurements using microfluidic extensional flows at the Society of Rheology 90th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. Narayan SOR Abstract

Oct 16, 2018: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Extensional Flow Behavior of Methylcellulose Solutions Containing Fibrils at the Society of Rheology 90th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. Metaxas SOR Abstract

Oct 11, 2018: We are excited to host a visit from Prof. Lynn Russell from UC San Diego Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Prof. Russell, Scripps

September 22, 2018: Graduate student Athena Metaxas hosted a demonstration booth ("Squishy Circuits") for the Science Museum of Minnesota, where children were able to make small lights work using salty and non-salty clay as circuit components.

Sept 4, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented Using Droplet Microfluidic Wells to Study Thermodynamics and Phase of Single Aqueous Aerosol Droplet Systems at the International Aerosol Conference, St. Louis, MO. 2018 IAC

August 28, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on Using Microfluidics to Study Thermodynamics and Phase of Aqueous Aerosol Droplets at the Towards a Molecular Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols, Bad Honnef, Germany. 2018 MUOAA

August 20-22, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented Measurements of Relative Humidity (RH) Effects on Atmosphere PM2.5 lecture at the Aerosol and Particle Measurements Short Course, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

August 13-17, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented Interfacial Rheology and Microfluidic Rheology lectures and graduate student Athena Metaxas served as an Extensional Rheology laboratory teaching assistant at the 2018 University of Minnesota Rheological Measurements Short Course, Application to Polymers, Dispersions and Processing, Minneapolis, MN

August 9, 2018: Undergraduate researcher Nancy Bautista presented Extensional Rheology of Polyelectrolytes at the MRSEC REU Summer Undergraduate Research Expo, Minneapolis, MN. SURE 2018 Abstract Book

July 12, 2018: We are excited to host Prof. Chris Cappa from University of California, Davis. Prof. Cappa, UC Davis

June 14, 2018: We are excited to host Prof. Lynn Mazzoleni and graduate student Simeon Schum from Michigan Tech University. Prof. Mazzoleni, Michigan Tech

June 12, 2018: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Extensional Flow Behavior of Methylcellulose Solutions Containing Fibrils at the National Graduate Research Polymer Conference, Minneapolis, MN. NGRPC 2018

May 30, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented a poster on Understanding Multiphase Atmospheric Aerosol Particle Thermodynamics using Models, Mimics, and Microfluidics at the NSF-ATC and NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Workshop, Boulder, CO. 2018 NSF ATC NCAR Workshop

May 14-25, 2018: The Energy and U Show! Shows at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Energy and U

May 1, 2018: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented a poster on Polymeric Material Interactions in Complex, Multi-phase Flows at the NSF MRSEC Site Visitation, Minneapolis, MN. UMN MRSEC IRG3

May 1, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented Phase, Morphology, and Surface Tensions of Aqueous Aerosol Particles Using Isotherm Models and Droplet Microfluidics for a Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (CAICE) Webinar, Broadcast via Zoom. NSF CAICE

April 20, 2018: Graduate student Athena Metaxas hosted a demonstration booth ("Silly Putty") for the Willow Lane Elementary Family Exploration Night, in White Bear Lake, MN, where elementary age students made their own putties.

April 24, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on How Does Micro-Emulsion Size Affect Diesel Fuel-Water Separation? at the American Filtration & Separations (AFS) Society Filtration Conference, Prior Lake, MN. 2018 AFS

April 24, 2018: Graduate student Shweta Narayan presented a poster on Microfluidics for Dynamic Interfacial Tension Measurement towards Improved Fuel-Water Separation Testing at the American Filtration & Separations (AFS) Society Filtration Conference, Prior Lake, MN. AFS Poster Winner

April 20, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture on Using Microfluidics to Test Performance of Fuel-Water Separators at Donaldson Company, Minneapolis, MN. Donaldson Company, Inc

Feb 23, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture Complex Aqueous Interfaces with Micro- and Macro- Scale Flows: Aerosols, Droplets, and Clays for the School of Materials Engineering Seminar Series at Purdue University. 2018 Purdue MSE Seminar

Feb 2018: Graduate student Lucy Nandy presented Chemical Thermodynamics of Water Soluble Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Aerosols: Modeling and Microfluidic Measurements at the Mechanical Engineering Department Special Seminar, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.

Jan 24, 2018: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture Understanding Secondary Organic Aerosol Thermodynamics, Mixing State and Phase with Models, Mimics, and Microfluidics for the Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center (BASC) Seminar Series at University of California, Berkeley. Spring 2018 UC Berkeley BASC Seminar


Nov 30, 2017: Professor Dutcher presented an invited lecture Environmental Aqueous Interfaces with Micro- and Macro- Scale Flows: Aerosols, Droplets, and Clays for the Environmental Science Seminar Series in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 2017 MIT CEE Seminar

Nov 1, 2017: Professor Dutcher presented Probing Viscosity of Complex Emulsions with Micro-Rheometry at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. 2017 AIChE Aerosol Microrheology

Oct 31, 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Polyelectrolyte – particle flocculation in complex aqueous solutions and mixed hydrodynamic fields at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. 2017 AIChE Polymer Flocculation

Oct 30, 2017: Graduate student Shweta Narayan presented A Microfluidic Platform to Measure Dynamic Interfacial Tension of Complex Fluid Systems at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. 2017 AIChE Fuel-Water Microfluidics

Oct 30, 2017: Graduate student Nikolas Wilkinson presented Experimental Investigation of a New Taylor-Couette Cell Design with Radial Fluid Injection for Controlled Mixing Applications at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. 2017 AIChE New Taylor-Couette Cell

Oct 30, 2017: Graduate student Lucy Nandy presented Using Droplet Microfluidics to Study Chemical Thermodynamics of Aqueous Atmospheric Aerosol Particles at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. 2017 AIChE Aerosol Microfluidic Wells

Oct 29, 2017: Undergraduate researcher Patrick McCauley presented Effects of pH on Bentonite-Humic Acid Flocculation at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Student Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. 2017 AIChE Student Conference

Oct 19, 2017: Professor Andrew Metcalf presented Freezing of Aerosol Liquid Mimics in a Microfluidic Device at the 36th American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC 2017 AAAR Ice Nucleation Microfluidics

Oct 17, 2017: Graduate student Shweta Narayan presented Measuring Interfacial Tensions and Viscosities of Aqueous Aerosol Droplet Systems with Microfluidics at the 36th American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC 2017 AAAR Aerosol Microfluidic Flows

Oct 17, 2017: Graduate student Lucy Nandy presented a poster on Chemical Thermodynamics of Aqueous Atmospheric Aerosols: Modeling and Microfluidic Measurements at the 36th American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC 2017 AAAR Aerosol Microfluidic Wells

Oct 10,2017: Graduate student Shweta Narayan presented Microfluidics measurements of interfacial tension and viscosity of complex emulsions at the 89th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology (SOR) in Denver, CO. 2017 SOR Aerosol Microfluidics

Oct 9, 2017: Collaborator Indranil Sinha and Prof Gordon Christopher presented Effects of elastic flow instabilities on oil displacement in regular and irregular porous networks at the 89th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology (SOR) in Denver, CO. 2017 SOR Oil Displacement

Oct 9, 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Polyelectrolyte – particle flocculation in complex suspensions with mixed hydrodynamic fields at the 89th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology (SOR) in Denver, CO. 2017 SOR Polymer Flocculation

Oct 7-8, 2017: Professor Dutcher, along with Professor Nicolas Alvarez and Martin Sentmanat, give a two day short course on Extensional Rheology: Theory and Experimental Practice at the 89th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology (SOR) in Denver, CO. SOR Annual Meeting Short Course

Aug 30, 2017: Professor Dutcher presented an invited talk on Understanding Multiphase Atmospheric Aerosols with Models, Mimics and Microfluidics for the 3M Microfluidics and Filtration and Separations Chapters, 3M, St. Paul, MN.

Aug 21, 2017: Professor Dutcher presented an invited talk on Lattice-based adsorption isotherms for solute activities and surface tensions of complex aqueous solutions for the Liquid Theory: Symposium in honor of Ben Widom at the 254th American Chemical Society ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC. 2017 ACS Aerosol Isotherms

Aug 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas performed demonstrations for high school students through the Discover STEM Summer Camp at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. UMN Discover STEM

Aug 10, 2017: Undergraduate researcher Patrick McCauley presented Effects of pH on Bentonite-Humic Acid Flocculation for the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, MN 2017 Summer REU Symposium

Aug 3, 2017: Professor Dutcher presented an invited talk on Exploring Aerosol Water Uptake, Surface Tension, Viscosity, and Phase Using Microfluidic Contractions, Wells, and Traps in the Fundamental Atmospheric Chemistry: Gas and Multiphase Processes session at the Atmospheric Chemistry Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in Newry, ME. 2017 Atmospheric Chemistry GRC

August 1, 2017: Graduate student Hallie Boyer presented a poster on Atmospheric Aqueous Aerosol Interfaces: Thermodynamic Modeling and Biphasic Microfluidic Flows with Fluid-Fluid Interfaces at the Gordon Research Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Newry, ME. 2017 Atmospheric Chemistry GRC

August 1, 2017: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented a poster on Freezing of Aerosol Liquid Mimics in a Microfluidic Device at the Gordon Research Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Newry, ME. 2017 Atmospheric Chemistry GRC

July 29, 2017: Graduate student Hallie Boyer presented Surface Tension Modeling of Atmospheric Aqueous Aerosols Using Adsorption Isotherms and Statistical Mechanics at the 14th Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACCESS XIV) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven, NY. ACCESS XIV

April 14, 2017: Professor Dutcher presented an invited talk on Using Microfluidics to Test Performance of Fuel-Water Separators for the UofM/ Donaldson Sponsored Research Presentations at Donaldson Company, Minneapolis, MN.

April 28, 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas hosted two demonstration booths ("Silly Putty" and "DIY Polyurethane Foam") for the Willow Lane Elementary Family Exploration Night, in White Bear Lake, MN, where elementary age students made their own puttys and foams.

April 26, 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas and postdc Dr. Andrew Metcalf hosted laboratory tours for the MRSEC Research Experiences for Teachers (RET), demonstrating laboratory activities to high school students.MRSEC Outreach and Education

April 25, 2017: Graduate students Nikolas Wilkinson, Athena Metaxas and Ellie Raethke, along with Xue Zhen and Prof. Phil Buhlmann presented Macroscopic Behavior of Polymer-Particle Flocculation in Water Treatment With Microscopic and Electrochemical Insights poster for the Barr Engineering-MnDRIVE Symposium. Barr hosts MnDRIVE

March 16, 2017: Graduate Student Hallie Boyer was invited to present Atmospheric Aqueous Aerosol Interfaces: Thermodynamic Modeling and Biphasic Microfluidic Flows at the Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies (CAPS) Seminar Series, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. CAPS at CMU

Feb 13, 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Polyelectrolyte - particle assembly in mixed hydrodynamic fields at the Society of Rheology 88th Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. Wilkinson, Metaxas, Dutcher SoR Abstract

Feb 13-14, 2017: Graduate Student Hallie Boyer was invited to present Atmospheric Aqueous Aerosol Interfaces: Thermodynamic Modeling and Biphasic Microfluidic Flows at Synchrotron-Based Tools and Atmospheric Aerosols Workshop in the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Science (ACES) at Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. ACES at Stockholm University

Feb 10, 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented Polyelectrolyte - particle assembly in mixed hydrodynamic fields at the UMN MRSEC IRG lunch seminars, Minneapolis, MN. UMN MRSEC

February 2, 2017: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Using Multiscale Measurements to Understand Air Pollution: From Laboratory to Field Studies at the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson University. Metcalf Clemson Abstract

January 13, 2017: Graduate student Athena Metaxas presented A Practical Approach to Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometry (CaBER) for POLY PMSE Special Seminar: Practical Applications of Rheology. UMN POLY PMSE

Jan 11-12, 2017: Professor Dutcher and graduate students Hallie Boyer, Athena Metaxas, and Nikolas Wilkinson had a blast volunteering at the The Energy and U Show! Shows at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Energy and U


Nov 20-22, 2016: Graduate student Nikolas Wilkinson presented Taylor-Couette flows with radial fluid injection during co- and counter- rotation, for controlled mixing applications, Session L12: Multiphase Flows: Particle-Particle and Particle-Shock Interactions Session, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland, OR 2016 APS DFD Wilkinson Abstract

Nov 20-22, 2016: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Using Microfluidics for Droplet and Particle Characterization of Environmental Fluids, Session G25: Microscale Flows: Drops and Bubbles-I, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland, OR 2016 APS DFD Metcalf Abstract

Nov 9-12, 2016: Summer REU student Dion Casey presented Controlling the Polymeric-Anisotropic Particle Flocculation Mechanism at the 2016 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Tampa, FL 2016 ABRCMS

Nov 9, 2016: Graduate students Athena Metaxas and Nikolas Wilkinson hosted laboratory activities for the American Indian Student Visit Day, demonstrating polymer science to high school students.

October 17-21, 2016: Graduate Student Hallie Boyer presented Surface Tension Modeling of Multicomponent Atmospheric Aqueous Aerosols Using Competitive and Assisted Adsorption at the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 35th annual conference conference, Portland, OR Boyer, Dutcher AAAR abstract 2016

October 17-21, 2016: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Surface activity in secondary organic aerosol liquid samples at the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 35th annual conference conference, Portland, OR Metcalf, Dutcher AAAR abstract 2016

October 17-21, 2016: Graduate Student Lucy Nandy presented Thermodynamic Properties of Weakly Dissociating Organic Acids Found in Atmospheric Aerosols at the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 35th annual conference conference, Portland, OR Nandy, Dutcher AAAR abstract 2016

September 30, 2016: Cari presented Tuning Complex Fluids for Environmental and Energy-saving Applications: Exploring Aerosols, Flocculates, and Spheres at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics Seminar Series, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL Dutcher UIUC ME Fluids Seminar 2016

September 28, 2016: Cari presented Atmospheric Aerosol Particle Thermodynamics, Mixing State, and Phase at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Series, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL Dutcher UIUC Atmos Sci Seminar 2016

September 15, 2016: Cari presented Tuning Complex Fluids for Environmental and Energy-saving Applications: Exploring Aerosols, Flocculates, and Spheres at the Department of Chemical Engineering Seminar Series, University of Illinois - Chicago, Chicago, IL Dutcher UIC Seminar 2016

September 14, 2016: Cari presented Atmospheric Aerosol Particle Thermodynamics, Mixing State, and Phase at the Department of Chemical Engineering Seminar Series, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL Dutcher IIT Seminar 2016

August 28-Sept 2, 2016: Cari presented Towards a Molecular Level Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosols conference (invited talk), Chaminade, CA Aerosols Conference 2016

August 22-24, 2016: Cari presented Relative Humidity Effects on Aerosol lecture at the Aerosol and Particle Measurment Short Course, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Aerosol Short Course Agenda 2016

August 11, 2016: Undergraduate student Dion Casey presented Controlling the Polymeric-Anisotropic Particle Flocculation Mechanism at the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Summer Undergraduate Research Expo (SURE), Minneapolis, MN UMN SURE 2016 Abstracts

July 31-August 5, 2016: Cari presented Water in the Environment Session Introduction (as discussion leader), Water and Aqueous Solutions, Gordon Research Conference, Holderness, NH 2016 Water and Aqueous Solutions GRC

July 30-July 31, 2016: Graduate student Hallie Boyer presented Surface Tension of Atmospheric Aqueous Aerosols Using Statistical Mechanical Modeling and Biphasic Microfluidic Tensiometry Water and Aqueous Solutions, Gordon Research Seminar, Holderness, NH 2016 Water and Aqueous Solutions GRS

July 28-19, 2016: Cari presented PM 2.5 and Relative Humidity (RH) Effects 3rd UMN-CAS Bilateral Seminar (speaker), PM2.5 Science, Health Effects, and Control Technology, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, China 2016 UMN-CAS Bilateral Seminar

June 19-24, 2016: Cari presented Interfacial Rheology and Microfluidic Rheology lectures at the 2016 University of Minnesota Rheological Measurements Short Course, Application to Polymers, Dispersions and Processing, Minneapolis, MN

June 19-24, 2016: Graduate student Athena Metaxas served as a Extensional Rheology laboratory teaching assistant at the 2016 University of Minnesota Rheological Measurements Short Course, Application to Polymers, Dispersions and Processing, Minneapolis, MN

June 7, 2016: Graduate student Nikolas Wilkinson presented Understanding process effects in the flocculation of anisotropic particles using structure visualization, with water treatment applications, Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems Session, 90th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium 2016 90th ACS CSSS

June 7, 2016: Cari presented Using microfluidics to measure interfacial properties of atmospheric aerosol particle mimics, Microfluidic Session (chair), 90th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium 2016 90th ACS CSSS

June 5-8, 2016: Microfluidics Session (co-organizer), 90th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium 2016 90th ACS CSSS

May 11-13, 16-20, 2016: The Energy and U Show! Shows at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Energy and U

April 29, 2016: Undergraduate student Alex Odom presented Using Microfluidic Biphasic Flows to Study Aqueous Atmospheric Aerosol Chemical Mimics at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Minneapolis, MN UG Research Symposium 2016Odom Abstracts 2016

April 29, 2016: Undergraduate students Kyle Hemmingsen presented Using Polymer to Clean Water: Flocculation and Fluid Flow of Clay Suspensions at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Minneapolis, MN UG Research Symposium 2016Hemmingsen Abstracts 2016

April 22, 2016: Graduate student Lucy Nandy presented Isotherm-Based Thermodynamic Models for Solute Activities of Organic Acids with Consideration of Partial Dissocation at the Council of International Graduate Students Research Showcase CIGS showcase 2016

April 7, 2016: Cari presented Engineering complex fluids for clean air and clean water applications at the Society of Women Engineers Profs and Profs (Professors and Professionals) event SWE Profs and Profs 2016

April 7, 2016: Cari presented Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows at the Ecolab College of Science and Engineering alumni event and poster session, Eagen, MN

February 29, 2016: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Understanding Atmospheric Aerosol Particle Morphology with Implications for Climate, Air Quality, and Human Health at the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at SUNY - Buffalo, New York Metcalf SUNY-Buffalo Seminar 2016

February 26, 2016: Cari presented Atmospheric Aerosol Particle Thermodynamics, Mixing State, and Phase at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Dutcher CMU Seminar 2016

January 14, 2016: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Using Microfluidics to Measure Surface-Bulk Partitioning of Aerosol Constituents at the American Meteorological Society's 96th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA Metcalf Dutcher AMS abstract 2016

January 14, 2016: Graduate student Hallie Boyer presented Surface Tension Modeling of Secondary Organic Aerosol Chemical Mimics at the American Meteorological Society's 96th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA Boyer Dutcher AMS abstract 2016


December 1, 2015: Cari presented Polyelectrolyte Dynamics in Water Technologies at the Water Technology Export Roundtable: Commercialization of Emerging Water Technologies, Minnesota Trade Office, Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), University of Minnesota, MN MTO DEED Events

October 14, 2015: Graduate students Nikolas Wilkinson and Eric Ruud presented Optimal polyelectrolyte assembly in solution using macro and microscale flows at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Baltimore, MD Wilkinson Ruud Dutcher SoR abstract 2015

October 13, 2015: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Microfluidic Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Mimic Rheology at the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 34th annual conference conference, Minneapolis, MN Metcalf, Dutcher AAAR abstract 2015

October 13, 2015: Graduate student Hallie Boyer presented Surface Tension Modeling of Binary and Multicomponent Atmospheric Aqueous Aerosols at the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 34th annual conference conference, Minneapolis, MN Boyer, Dutcher AAAR abstract 2015

October 13, 2015: Cari presented Peter Ohm's work on Adsorption-Based Chemical Thermodynamics of Atmospheric Aerosols: Electrostatic Interactions and Weakly Dissociating Organic Acids at the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) 34th annual conference conference, Minneapolis, MN Ohm, Dutcher AAAR abstract 2015

October 12, 2015: Cari presented Measuring and Modeling Single Particle Thermodynamics, Phase, and Mixing State at the AAAR Tutorials, Minneapolis, MN AAAR Tutorials 2015

August 26, 2015: Cari presented Relative Humidity Effects on Aerosol at the Aerosol and Particle Measurment Short Course, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Aerosol Short Course Agenda 2015

August 11, 2015: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Microfluidic Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Mimic Mixing States at the 11th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Berkeley, CA ICCPA 2015 Program

August 6, 2015: Undergraduate student Ellie Raethke presented Structure Visualization of Polymer induced flocculation of charged polystyrene beads at the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Summer Undergraduate Research Expo, Minneapolis, MN UMN MRSEC REU Expo2015 Abstracts

August 6, 2015: Undergraduate student Kyle Hemmingsen presented Using Polymer to Clean Water: Flocculation and Fluid Flow of Clay Suspensions at the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Summer Undergraduate Research Expo, Minneapolis, MN UMN MRSEC REU Expo2015 Abstracts

June 17, 2015: Cari presented Phase partitioning and interfacial dynamics of atmospheric aerosol particle mimics using biphasic flows at the 89th ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Dutcher CSSS 2015 Abstract

May 30, 2015: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Probing Aerosol Particle Interfaces with Droplet Microfluidics at the 2015 Microfluidics Gordon Research Seminar, West Dover, VT Metcalf GRS 2015 Agenda

May 27, 2015: Cari presented Polyelectrolyte Dynamics in Particle-Laden Suspensions and Complex Flows at the University of Minnesota, Influence of Liquid Structure and Rheology in Coating Flows Workshop, CPF, IPRIME 2015 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Dutcher Coating Flows IPRIME 2015 Abstract

May 18-22, 2015: The Energy and U Show! Shows at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Energy and U

April 23, 2015: We were pleased to host Dr. Amy Shen's seminar Getting the mOIST from microfluidic platforms in applications for biomedicine and novel materials synthesis, presented at 9:45 in 1130 Mechanical Engineering. All are welcome! Amy Shen 2015 Abstract

April 7, 2015: We were excited to host tours and experimental demonstrations in microfludics and high-speed imaging for grade 6-12 students from local area schools, as a part of the Minnesota Nano Center's Nano Day events.

March 18, 2015: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Probing Aerosol Particle Mimics with Droplet Microfluidics at the Southern Ontario Centre for Atmospheric Aerosol Reserach Seminar Series, University of Toronto, Canada Metcalf Toronto 2015 Abstract

March 2, 2015: Cari presented Aerosol Particle Interfacial Thermodynamics and Phase Partitioning Measurements Using Biphasic Microfluidics at the American Physical Society March Meeting, San Antonio, TX Dutcher, Metcalf APS 2015 Abstract

February 10, 2015: Cari presented The structure and assembly of colloidal particles in complex suspensions and flows: Exploring aerosols, flocculates, and spheres at St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Seminar Series, University of Minnesota, MN Dutcher SAFL 2015 Abstract

February 6, 2015: Cari presented The structure and assembly of colloidal particles in complex suspensions and flows: Exploring aerosols, flocculates, and spheres at the University of Minnesota, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering Department, Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, Minneapolis, MN

January 12-16, 2015: The Energy and U Show! Shows at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Energy and U


December 16, 2014: Postdoc Dr. Andrew Metcalf presented Novel Measurements of Aerosol Particle Interfaces Using Biphasic Microfluidics at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Metcalf, Dutcher AGU 2014 Abstract

November 7, 2014: Cari presented The structure and assembly of colloidal particles in complex suspensions and flows: Exploring aerosols, flocculates, and spheres at the University of Minnesota, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Departmental Seminar Series, Minneapolis, MN Dutcher AEM 2014 Abstract

October 31, 2014: Cari presented Interfacial Dynamics of Atmospheric Particles: Cold, Complex and Charged Surfaces at the Carleton College, Chemistry Department Seminar, MN, Dutcher Carleton 2014 Abstract

October 23, 2014: Cari presented Probing Aerosol Particle Interfaces with Biphasic Microfluidics at the American Association for Aerosol Research 33rd annual conference, Orlando, FL AAAR 2013 ProgramDutcher, Metcalf AAAR 2014 Abstract

October 7, 2014: Cari presented Probing Aerosol Particle Interfaces with Biphasic Microfluidics at the Society of Rheology 86th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Dutcher, Metcalf SoR 2013 Program

August 7, 2014: Undergraduate student Chase Quinney presented his results Flocculation of bentonite solutions using cationic poly-acrylamide at the University of Minnesota, MRSEC Summer Undergraduate Research Expo, Minneapolis, MN, UMN MRSEC REU Expo2014 Abstracts

July 27 - Aug 1, 2014: Cari presented Thermodynamic Modeling of Aqueous Aerosol Particles: Predicting Water Content and Solute Activities (poster), Water and Aqueous Solutions, Gordon Research Conference, Holderness, NH 2014 Water and Aqueous Solutions GRC

June 8-13, 2014: Cari presented Interfacial Rheology and Microfluidic Rheology Lectures presented at the 2015 University of Minnesota Rheological Measurements Short Course, Application to Polymers, Dispersions and Processing, Minneapolis, MN

May 27, 2014: Cari presented Interfacial Dynamics of Atmospheric Particles: Cold, Complex and Charged Surfaces at the University of Minnesota, Interfacial Rheology Workshop, NMP, IPRIME 2014 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Dutcher Interfacial Rheology IPRIME 2014 Abstract

May 19-23, 2014: The Energy and U Show! Shows at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Energy and U

May 6-9, 2014: Cari presented at the NASA SMD Workshop: Atmospheric Composition Outstanding Questions, NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA, NASA SMD WorkshopSummaries; Aerosol at 24m:45s

March 10, 2014: Cari presented Colloidal Particles Near Surfaces and Electrohydrodynamic Flows at the University of Minnesota, Coating Process Fundamentals Program Seminar Series, Minneapolis, MN


November 24, 2013, 2013: Cari presented A hexatic-to-disorder transition in colloidal assembly near electrodes: Stronger flow yields less order at the American Physical Society 66th Annual DFD Meeting Dutcher APS DFD 2013 Abstract

October 17, 2013: Cari presented A hexatic-to-disorder transition in colloidal assembly near electrodes: Stronger flow yields less order at the Society of Rheology 85th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Dutcher SoR 2013 Abstract

October 1, 2013: Cari presented Adsorption-Based Chemical Thermodynamics of Atmospheric Aerosols: Towards Reduced Parameterization, Temperature Dependence, and Organic Solvents at the American Association for Aerosol Research 32nd annual conference, Portland, OR AAAR 2013 ProgramDutcher AAAR 2013 Abstract

September 23, 2013: Cari presented Tuning Responsive Fluids for Environmental and Energy-Saving Applications at the University of Minnesota, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Seminar Series, Minneapolis, MN, Dutcher CEMS 2013 Abstract


Cari performing at the Energy and U Show!